PDF .Net

.NET assembly to do everything with PDF.

using SautinSoft.Pdf;
var document = PdfDocument.Load(pdfFile);
    // Add a signature field.
    var sig = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature(document.Pages[0], 10, 10, 250, 50);
    // Create new Signer.
    PdfSigner pdfSigner = new PdfSigner(@"..\..\..\sautinsoft.pfx", "123456789");
    // Configure signer.
    pdfSigner.Timestamper = new PdfTimestamper(@"https://tsa.cesnet.cz:5817/tsa");
    pdfSigner.SignatureFormat = PdfSignatureFormat.CAdES;
    pdfSigner.SignatureLevel = PdfSignatureLevel.PAdES_B_LTA;
    pdfSigner.HashAlgorithm = PdfHashAlgorithm.SHA256;
    pdfSigner.Location = "Test workplace";
    pdfSigner.Reason = "Test";
    var im = PdfImage.Load(@"..\..\..\JPEG2.jpg");
    sig.Appearance.Icon = im;
    sig.Appearance.TextPlacement = PdfTextPlacement.TextRightOfIcon;
    // Sign PDF Document.
    var si = sig.Sign(pdfSigner);
    // Save PDF Document.
Digital Signatures inside PDF in C#

The PDF .Net product includes a code example for exporting data from tables within a PDF document to a CSV file. This example demonstrates how to use the library to programmatically extract table data from a PDF and save it as a CSV file.

The product supports various platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker, and is compatible with .NET 8, 7, 6, 5, Standard 2, Core 2x & 3x, and Framework 4.6.2+.